
The Postgraduate Program in Applied Computing (PPGCA)’s mission is to train qualified professionals to develop and apply innovative computational solutions that contribute to technological advancement in the agricultural sector. The PPGCA aims to train professionals to work in teaching and research in the area of ​​computing applied to agriculture, promoting the dissemination of knowledge and the generation of new technologies that meet regional and national needs. The program also seeks to strengthen collaboration between universities, companies and research institutions, encouraging projects that promote the sustainable and technological development of Brazilian agriculture.
Furthermore, PPGCA is dedicated to creating an academic environment that stimulates students’ creativity, interdisciplinarity and critical spirit, preparing them to face the complex and dynamic challenges of the agricultural sector. The program is also committed to carrying out extension activities that benefit local communities, promoting the transfer of technology and knowledge to rural producers and other agribusiness stakeholders.
Furthermore, the PPGCA emphasizes the importance of internationalization, seeking partnerships with foreign institutions to exchange students and researchers, participate in collaborative projects and share good practices and innovations. Aiming to broaden the perspective of students and researchers, offering them a more complete training aligned with global trends and demands in agriculture and technology.
Finally, the program values ​​continuous curricular and methodological updating, incorporating the most recent scientific discoveries and technological advances in the field of computing applied to agriculture. In this way, PPGCA ensures that its graduates are at the forefront of knowledge and prepared to effectively contribute to the modernization and competitiveness of the Brazilian and international agricultural sector.
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