
Interdisciplinarity: Promote the integration of knowledge and practices in the areas of computing and agriculture, encouraging multidisciplinary collaboration and innovation.

Academic Excellence: Continuously seek quality and excellence in teaching, research and student training, ensuring a high level and relevant education.

Technological Innovation: Foster creativity and innovation in the search for computational solutions that meet the challenges of the agricultural sector, contributing to the sustainable and competitive development of agriculture.

Commitment to Regional and National Development: Meet regional and national demands for qualified professionals and advanced technologies, contributing to Brazil’s economic and social growth.

Ethics and Social Responsibility: Value ethics, social responsibility and sustainability in all program activities, training conscientious professionals committed to the well-being of society and the environment.

Collaboration and Diversity: Encourage collaboration and respect for diversity of backgrounds, perspectives and skills, enriching the learning environment and preparing students to face complex challenges.

Sustainability: Integrate sustainable practices into research and teaching activities, seeking solutions that promote environmental preservation and the rational use of natural resources.

Continuous Update: Stay up to date with trends and technological advances in the field of computing applied to agriculture, ensuring that the program offers contemporary and relevant training.

Social Impact: Develop projects and research that generate social benefits, contributing to improving the quality of life in rural and urban communities.

Transparency and Integrity: Adopt transparent and honest practices in program management, promoting an environment of trust and respect among students, teachers and employees.

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