Professora Dra. Rosangela F. Sviercoski da Bulgarian Academy of Sciences ministra palestra na UEPG

Na próxima quarta-feira – 17/04, às 19h no Auditório do Centro Integrar, o Departamento de Matemática e Estatística e o Projeto LeMA – Licenciandos em Matemática em Ação promovem o Seminários do COLLICMAT com a presença da egressa do curso de Licenciatura em Matemática da UEPG: a professora Dra. Rosangela F. Sviercoski que atualmente é docente na Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. As informações deste seminário são apresentadas na sequência:

Título: A Matemática aplicada aos problemas de escalas múltiplas em Geociências

Resumo: In this talk, I will discuss shortly my trajectory since graduation from the Department of Mathematics – UEPG, then going to masters in Mathematics and into my PhD in Applied Mathematics. Then, I will go over the project that produced my textbook: “Matemática Aplicada às Ciências Agrárias: Análise de Dados e Modelos”, published by the UFV, which is in its 9 th reprinting. In the book, DATA ANALYSIS are used as motivation for teaching Mathematics to agriculture engineering students preparing them for using these tools more effectively towards advance the field of precision agriculture. Then, the main problem of Multiscale in Geosciences systems will be presented describing the computational problem when a heterogeneous media is considered into the flow simulations and the use of Mathematics as a tool to produce computational models for a homogenized equation, instead. That is needed because the major problem in modeling flow in porous media is to create an accurate description of the flow behavior, in spite of the intrinsic heterogeneity of geological formations. The governing equations are characterized by coefficients that vary on scales from laboratory experiments to field simulations. Accurate numerical solution of these equations requires a very finely divided computational mesh, something that is infeasible to consider even with our modern supercomputers. To overcome this problem, one approach is to develop an effective coefficient representing the heterogeneous medium in a simplified description of the medium. Then, the simplified equations are developed from asymptotic analysis and are called homogenized equations, and the procedure of replacing the original systems is called homogenization. In this talk, I will present a classical homogenization technique based on the two-scale asymptotic expansion for the derivation of the upscaled or homogenized equations and/or systems of flow in porous media. Finally, I will present simulations of homogenized systems describing the coupling between heat and moisture over the soil subsurface and surface applying directly towards more accurate simulations for Climate Change predictions.

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