Ranking points UEPG among the best in Latin America

Ranking points UEPG among the best in Latin America

State University of Ponta Grossa (UEPG) is among the 200 best universities in Latin America, according to the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities, published last Tuesday, February 9th. The survey was made by the Cybermetrics Lab, a research group that belongs to the Superior Council for Scientific Investigations (CSIC). The institution is a reference in scientific research in Spain.

The ranking evaluated 31 thousand Higher Education institutions from all around the world. “This is the largest evaluation of scientific exercise in the world, and seeing our State Universities as protagonists in Latin America makes us very proud, for the scientific work, of extension and internationalization being developed in multiple regions of the State”, highlights the coordinator of International Relations of Science, Technology and Higher Education Superintendence, Luis Mascarenhas.

The ranking aims to encourage universities to disseminate the knowledge they generate. Three indicators are considered by the ranking:  Visibility and impact of content on the internet; excellence and transparency or openness.

Source: Agência Estadual de Notícias do Estado do Paraná
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