Santander X Entrepreneurship Program
The Explorer program helps you experience entrepreneurship as a career choice.
During 12 weeks, you will work on your idea, turning it into a sustainable business that contributes to achieving the ODS 2030. With a practical approach based on social learning dynamics, Explorer is designed for participants to become an active part of change by implementing economically sustainable projects in different industries, sectors and types of organizations.
Explorer is a fully online program in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico and Portugal, and semi-attendance in Spain. You can participate alone or in a team.
At the end of the program, a group of selected teams will travel to a European innovation center to continue developing their projects during an intensive week of training and networking.
Registration runs from October 1 to December 9. https://www.santanderx.com/calls/explorer-2022-primeira-edico-portugues/61547f16b8ec2200152f7f3d?detail=true
Text: Ana Paula Schardosin