The Office for International Affairs of the State University of Ponta Grossa was created through University Resolution No. 028 of 27 November 1995.
International Relations Office
Lobby of the Rectory block Avenida General Carlos Cavalcanti, 4748 Uvaranas Campus Ponta Grossa - PR CEP 84030-900
Phone: +55 42 3220-3260
Site: www2.uepg.br/eri/
General: eri@uepg.br
PhD. Sulany Silveira dos Santos (Director)
Me. Bruna Machado (Administrative Assistant)
Magnun Josué (Administrative Assistant)
Débora Resende (Intern)
ERI assignments
ERI is the agent responsible for both the university's internationalization guidelines, in accordance with Institutional, State or Federal policies, and for its implementation process.
But what does ERI do?
Several things! Some of our duties are:
- Establish academic, scientific and technological cooperation agreements and double degree agreements with foreign institutions;
- Keep in touch with national and foreign institutions in order to enable the execution of actions foreseen in international agreements and conventions;
- Develop international mobility programs for the purpose of studies and/or internship and forward processes related to the International Student Mobility Program (PROMEI);
- Provide information to UEPG’s academic community on international mobility and support internal legal procedures at UEPG regarding international travel;
- Guide, within its realm of responsibility, foreign students on bureaucratic and document-related issues, so that they remain regularized according to UEPG’s rules and the laws of Brazil, and assist them in daily matters, such as finding housing;
- Provide an interpreter for visitors at UEPG and for international students to regularize their stay in the country;
- Disseminate internationalization, mobility and scholarship opportunities from UEPG and other foreign institutions;
- Offer support for professors who are going to travel abroad (see more information here);
- Assist visitors, students, employees and professors in our office by answering questions or referring them if necessary;
-Promotion and participation in events;
Phew! And that is just a portion of what we do at ERI.
To stay informed about the news and actions of the International Relations Office, follow us on Instagram and Facebook.
See more information about what we do in the Regulations of the Office of International Relations UEPG, according to UNIV. Resolution. 022 of 10/08/2015.