Category: News

Belgian University calls for a postdoctoral research associate

The naXys research institute at the University of Namur is looking for a full-time postdoctoral candidate to apply within the framework of the BEWARE 2021 – 1 call together with the industrial partner Aerospacelab located in Wallonia. If awarded, the mandate covers salary, mobility allowance and operating costs for 2 years. The successful applicant will …

Canadian consortium on Master’s and Doctoral programs happens next month

CALDO, a Canadian consortium formed initially by the Universities of Alberta, Laval, Dalhousie and Ottawa (and later joined by the Universities of Calgary, Saskatchewan, Waterloo, Queen’s and Western University), a leading academic gateway for Latin American students to pursue their studies in Canada, is promoting a Virtual Fair to spread information about their world class …

IAU invites to Future of Higher Education Webinar series

The International Association of Universities is pleased to invite everyone to a new season of free Webinars on the Future of Higher Education: short, medium and long-term perspectives – an excellent opportunity for higher education leaders and professionals to engage with top experts from around the world. The 2021 series kicked off on the last …

UEM offers Portuguese as a Foreign Language course – PROINTE

The State University of Maringá is offering 150 spots for the Student Integration Program in partnership with the NEAD (UEM’s Distance Education Center), targeting not only college students from UEM, but from other Higher Education Institutions as well. The course aims to enable foreign students needing to develop and / or improve their skills in …

InSysPro announces workshop series on technology

InSysPro is organizing a series of workshops under the title “The Challenges of Technology Upgrading and Economic Catch-Up in Emerging Economies”, and the third edition will be happening in February 25th, with an online workshop titled “Emerging paradigm on technology capability upgrading: embracing green, inclusive and social sustainability concerns”. The presentation topics will be as …

EURAXESS Brazil & LAC calls MSCA fellows and offers scholarships

EURAXESS Brazil & LAC is looking for MSCA fellows from or in Latin America and the Caribbean to participate in an event in March 2021 to discuss the creation of national/regional networks. New European Researchers interested in networking and developing the scientific diaspora are welcome to join the program, if you live in Brazil and …

Tech-Act offers a $500 scholarship IT program

Tech-Act is announcing a $500 scholarship program to a full-time undergraduate or graduate student. It’s understood that it’s difficult to sustain oneself in the present times and any financial assistance students could have, should come as a great help, as the college fees coupled with high living expenses can be very taxing. The team at …

Ewha Online Winter Program

Ewha Womans University presents Online Winter Program

Ewha Womans University of Seoul, South Korea, is delighted to present the Ewha Online International Co-Ed Winter College (EIWC), a new winter program that will be launched in January of 2021. The EIWC is a 3 week online program featuring two courses, the SPECIAL course and the GENERAL course. The EIWC SPECIAL Course is a …

The pandemic impact on management and logistics in Europe and Latin America: new skills, new profiles

FESTA shares the invitation and details for the upcoming event: “El impacto de la pandemia en la gestión y la logística en Europa y Latinoamérica: nuevas competencias, nuevos perfiles” (The pandemic impact on management and logistics in Europe and Latin America: new skills, new profiles), happening on the November 19th, 3 pm (UTC -3, Buenos …

Portugal Exchange Oportunities: Polytechnic Institute of Bragança receives applications

The Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB) is receiving applications from UEPG students who desire to do academic mobility in 2021. The spots are meant for undergraduate or master scholars to study during the second academic semester (January to July, 2021) To perform the mobility, the students must choose the subjects in which they have interest …

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