I Visibilities and Perspectives Colloquium will talk about African literature

I Visibilities and Perspectives Colloquium will talk about African literature

The first Visibilities and Perspectives Colloquium will be held on the November 12th and 13th, 2020. The event is organized by professors Joana Martins Pupo from the State University of Ponta Grossa (UEPG) and Emanuela Carla Siqueira from the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR). The Colloquium will happen remotely (online).

The project aims to contribute, in theory and practice, to the critical thinking of students and teachers in training, as well to the external community interested in the topic. According to the professor Joana M. Pupo, “there will be discussions about women’s literary works from various times, nationalities and origins less known to the general public, and to the discussion and divulging of the feminist critique’s theoretical production as well, the literary one specially”, she says.

The Colloquium’s intention is to give visibility to the African literature studies produced by women; discuss the academic research work in translation of female writers, and; divulge recent Brazilian academic researches, from the feminist critique’s perspective. “We understand that the gender inequalities, still intensely present in our society as a whole, stem from the lack of knowledge and also from the lack of social minorities’ representation, from which women make part in the institutional fields, mainly, in those which produce and spread knowledge.”, declares Joana. “The project contributes not only to the awareness of those inequalities, but mostly, provides visibility to women’s contributions in the referred fields throughout the history, with the exposure of strategies and means that can favor changes both in education and society, through a critical reflection of the perspective in building a fair and democratic society”, complements.

The event is part of the “Visibilities and Perspectives – Literature by Female Authors and Feminist Critique” extension project, coordinated by the professor Joana M. Pupo of the Language Studies Department (UEPG), in partnership with the Pedagogical Advisory Center (NAP), coordinated by the professor Mariza Tulio (UEPG). The activities will feature external partnerships with the PhD student and Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) Language Studies Post Graduation program researcher, Emanuela Carla Siqueira, and professor Janice Inês Nodari from UFPR’s Department of Modern Foreign Language Studies.

This first colloquium specifically aims to:

1) Discuss and provide visibility to studies that focus on African literature produced by women;

2) Discuss and provide visibility to the academic research work in translation of female writers, and;

3) Divulge the recent Brazilian academic production from the feminist critique’s perspective.



November 12th

16:30h –

4h30 pm – Launch of the book Lentes, Pincéis e Páginas – Discursos de Mulheres – Anna Beatriz de Paula e Miriam Adelman (Orgs) – Publisher UFPR.

5h30 pm – TABLE 1 – Literature in Africa – Women Write

Table composition: Dr. Prof. Janice Nodari (UFPR); Translator and M.Sc. Carolina Kuhn Facchin (UFPR); Dr. Prof. Joana Pupo (DEEL-UEPG)

November 13th

5h30 pm – TABLE 2 – Pontes outras & pontas outres : feminisms, translation and collaborative processes

Table composition: Dr. Beatriz Regina G. Barboza (PGET-UFSC); Dr. Emanuela Carla Siqueira (UFPR), Dr. Julia Raiz do Nascimento (UFPR).

The presence form will be available in the broadcast chat as soon as each session’s debate starts.
To register, fill out the form.
Learn more on the event’s website.


Texto: Vanessa Hrenechen      Fotos: Arquivo pessoal e divulgação
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