(42) 3220-3379 / (42) 2102-8631


News Production and Consumption Logic : This group proposes a broad discussion about the journalistic field in several communication spaces, the journalistic activity historical and technological changes, and its relation with society. The team also seeks to identify the operational logic of productive circuits and to contribute to the creation of knowledge in this knowledge area, by promoting research and scientific activities involving professors and students (at the undergraduate and graduate levels).

Advisors: PhD Marcelo Engel Bronosky; PhD Cíntia Xavier; PhD Rafael Schoenherr.

Digital Media Study and Research Group (GEMIDI) : The main aim of this group is the implementation of studies and research on the following areas: media convergence, technological appropriation, cyber-activism, and hypermedia journalism. Its specific objectives include: a) to systematize elements of the civil society/hypermedia relationship; b) to be a space for the development of activities of the research line “Journalistic processes, representations and sociocultural practices”; c)to offer support to individual research projects; and d) to foster the elaboration of papers for publication and/or presentation in scientific events.

Advisors: PhD. Graziela Soares Bianchi; PhD Ivan Elizeu Bomfim Pereira.

Journalism and Gender Research Group : This group develops reflections upon gender issues in journalism, from studies on women in the journalism job market and on the production of representations of male and female in communicational processes. By proposing media analysis focused on gender, the group contributes to the development of studies on women participation in the journalistic field and the representation produced by the media over time, shedding some light on the implications of the journalism daily routine in the construction of reality and production of subjectivities. This team carries out research on gender-related themes, focusing on the following aspects: – Gender representations in the media; – Women in the journalism job market; and – Social movements, gender and alternative media. The group has organized the annual Symposium Women and Society since 2012, an event that seeks to promote some dialogue between the academy and some civil society sectors.

Advisors: PhD Karina Janz Woitowicz; PhD Paula Melani Rocha.

Cultural Journalism and Folkcommunication : The Cultural Journalism and Folkcommunication research group, linked to the UEPG continuous research “Journalistic processes, representations and sociocultural practices”, develops studies based on the folkcommunication theoretical background, focusing on the cultural journalistic production and folkmedia studies. Based on the perspective introduced by Luiz Beltrão, the group analyzes journalistic processes that involve both popular demonstrations and mediaticproductions in the communication market, observing their regional variations. The group also incentivizes journalistic production whose theme and concept framework regard popular culture. The teamworks in partnership with the Cultura Plural [Plural Culture] university outreach project ( www.culturaplural.com.br ) and takes part in the actions proposed by the Folkcommunication Study and Research Network. The group also takes part in the Revista Internacional de Folkcomunicação [Folkcommunication International Journal], published in partnership with the Folkcom Network, Cátedra Unesco/Umesp, and the UEPG Journalism Master’s Program.

Advisors: PhD Sérgio Luís Gadini; PhD Karina Janz Woitowicz; PhD Rafael Schoenherr.

Journalism and Politics: representations and social actors : This group was formed in 2006, when their research on the political journalism production started, mainly during electoral campaigns. The members of this group have taken part in scientific initiation events; and regional, national and international congresses, by disseminating partial results of the works developed up to that point. Based on quantitative and qualitative methodological perspectives, the team develops broad research involving the observation of political representations and electoral disputes printed coverage in several municipalities of the state of Paraná. It also analyzes the Horário Gratuito de Propaganda Eleitoral (HGPE) [Free airtime for political campaign advertisements]. The group also created a graduate course (at the level of specialization) in “Media, Politics, and Social Actors”, which had three classes in UEPG (2008, 2010 and 2012). The team collaborated with the creation of the UEPG Journalism Master’s Program, aligned with the research line“Journalistic processesand social practices”.

Advisors: PhD Sérgio Luis Gadini; PhD Hebe Gonçalves.

Journalism, Knowledge and Professional Qualification (“Knowledge in Journalism”) : This group aims to promote a broad discussion on the journalistic field in several communication spaces, historical and technological transformations in journalism, and the profession and its relation with society. It also seeks to identify the operational logic of productive circuits, and contribute to the formation of knowledge in this knowledge area. The group promotes research and scientific dissemination involving teachers and students (at the undergraduate and graduate levels).

Advisors: PhD Felipe Pontes; PhD Paula Melani Rocha.

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