(42) 3220-3379 / (42) 2102-8631


New schedule

(from March 2018 onwards)

Mandatory subjects:

Journalism Theories (3 credits)

Content: Journalism study theoretical approach: historical trajectory.Epistemological Fundaments in journalism theories. Contribution from the Communication theories and from other areas to journalism studies. Theoretical constitution of the journalistic field. Journalism as a type of knowledge. Journalistic production processes: operational, organizational, narrative and technological structures. Social implications of the journalistic activity.

Journalism Research Methodology (3 credits)

Content: Scientific research logic. The construction of the research object. Journalism research field. Epistemological issues regarding science and method. The method as a conceptual horizon, guiding strategy, and instrumental device. Journalism research methodological specificities. News production processes as research focus and the challenges of investigating in the context of journalism reconfiguration. Methodological strategies in a (interdisciplinary) dialogue with other knowledge areas. Main approaches and methods in journalistic research.

Journalism and Technological Convergence (3 credits)

Content: Journalism transformations in the historical context of communication technologies. The mediatic convergence process and media devices. Changes in the journalistic activity and news creation. Speed and mobility as challenges to the professional responsibility.

Journalism, Democracy, and Power (3 credits)

Content: Public opinion formation processes in complex societies. Public spheres and forms of political representation. Journalism role in the definition of agendas (public, political, and mediatic). Journalistic markets, social demand, and hegemonic disputes. State, media regulation, and social control of information. Limits and challenges to the journalistic autonomy and legitimacy in democratic societies.

Elective subjects:

Line 1: News Production Processes

News circulation and consumption (3 credits)

Content: Understanding circulation and consumption in mediatic processes and products. Aspects characterizing mediatic-journalistic flows. Identification of mediatic consumption logics. Journalistic product circulation devices. Strategies of recognition of news circulation and consumption processes.

Theme seminar (3 credits)

Content: Deepening a theme axis from a sector or field in contemporary journalism studies, providing students with systematized knowledge, which is able to contribute to the development of their master’s research project. Theme seminars are held every semester, with variable axes and in tune with the academic demands and the availability of work and research by the program advisors.

Methodology seminar (3 credits)

Content: Presentation of the research preliminary version by their authors (students), considering the focus on conceptual and methodological aspects, and investigation operational techniques,both empirical and theoretical. The seminar works as a research laboratory for the members of the groups kept by the Journalism PPG.

Line 2: Journalistic Processes and Social Practices

Journalism, Culture and Social Actors (3 credits)

Content: Journalism, social representations, and cultural identities. The media in the formation of cultural consumption. Mediatic production, globalization and cultural diversity. Social actors’ intervention processes in the media field. Relationship between journalism, social movements, and communication networks. Journalism, citizenship practice and cultural resistance.

Theme Seminar (3 credits)

Content: Deepening a theme axis, from a sector or field of studies on contemporary journalism, providing students with systematized knowledge, which is able to contribute to the development of their Master’s research project. Theme seminars are held every semester, with variable axes and in tune with the academic demand and availability of work and research by the program advisors.

Methodology seminar  (3 credits)

Content : Presentation of the research preliminary version by their authors (students), considering the focus on conceptual and methodological aspects, and investigation operational techniques,both empirical and theoretical. The seminar works as a research laboratory for the members of the groups kept by the Journalism PPG.


Other subjects:

Teaching Internship (EDM): 2 credits

Master’s dissertation tutorial (ODM) I: 2 credits

Advice on research activities provided by the advisor professor in the second semester of the course.

Master’s dissertation tutorial (ODM) II: 2 credits

Advice on research activities provided by the advisor professor in the third semester of the course.

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