Category: News

CLEC UEPG opens Proficiency Test’s 2nd Call

The CLEC UEPG released the 2nd call notice for the applications of the 2nd Edition of the Foreign Language Reading Proficiency Test – Spanish and English. The registration period runs from October 27th to November 3rd. The test will be held on November 22nd and the investment is R$ 100,00 (17.62 USD). Access link to …

International Administration Congress evaluates 2020 edition

The ADM 2020 – International Administration Congress – managing committee did a balance of this year’s event actions. For the first time in its history the congress was accomplished in an online format and counted with the participation of academics and professionals from eight countries. “We began to plan the event back in 2019, in …

TOEFL ITP proficiency test is being offered remotely and at a discount

The Educational Testing Service (ETS) launched one more edition of the TOEFL ITP – Remote exam, available in Brazil. The test will doable from your home by using a computer with internet access. Besides being able do the test without leaving your house, UEPG students will receive 30% discount. It’s required to be an UEPG …

DAAD promotes informative webinar with German universities

DAAD, the German Academic Exchange Service, is promoting an event called “Meet the German Higher Education Institutions”. The webinar, which has a maximum capacity of 500 people and will be conducted in English, will host the JLU Gießen (Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen) this Thursday, August 20th, at 7:45 AM (ET). The event will be held using the …

UEPG is featured among the best universities in international ranking

The State University of Ponta Grossa (UEPG) is among the highlights of Times Higher Education (THE) magazine, which lists the main Latin American and Caribbean institutions. The 2020 ranking included 166 universities across 13 countries. This year, UEPG is ranked in the 65th position. UEPG ranks 2nd place among the evaluated state universities of Paraná …

University Board decided to suspend classes

The University Board of the State University of Ponta Grossa (UEPG) decided to suspend the institutional official 2020 schedules (Geral; Medicine and Campus Telemaco Borba) from March 17 until further notice. The schedule of Distance Learning related activities is maintained, however related activities that need the presence of students, professors and others involved are cancelled. …

Rector’s Office Notice about COVID 19

COVID-19 Rector’s Office Notice

University of La Rioja offers exchange scholarship in Spain for Spanish course

Registrations are open for scholarships at the University of La Rioja, in Spain. The opportunity offers an exchange scholarship in Spain for a Spanish course and registration is open until March 27. The program, entitled Spanish Language and Culture Courses 2020-2021, is aimed at students from Brazilian Universities looking to learn Spanish or improve their …

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