
FAUBAI and British Council promote Webinar series about internationalization

FAUBAI and the British Council are holding, from October to December 2020, the Webinar Series “International Talks”, online dialogues concerning the internationalization of the higher education. The first Webinar “Internationalization Indicators” was held in October 7th and featured the participation of Maria Leonor Alves Maia (FAUBAI President), Renée Zicman (FAUBAI Executive Director), Vera Oliveira (British …

Research Organization and Innovation Study Group promotes Webinar series

GEOPI – Research Organization and Innovation Study Group is promoting a Webinar series in celebration of its 25 years. GEOPI has professors, researchers, students and collaborators from the Scientific and Technological Policies Department (DPCT), the Faculty of Applied Sciences (FCA) and the Public Policy Studies Center (NEPP), all from Unicamp, in addition to researchers from …

I Visibilities and Perspectives Colloquium will talk about African literature

The first Visibilities and Perspectives Colloquium will be held on the November 12th and 13th, 2020. The event is organized by professors Joana Martins Pupo from the State University of Ponta Grossa (UEPG) and Emanuela Carla Siqueira from the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR). The Colloquium will happen remotely (online). The project aims to contribute, …

Santander Skills scholarship offerings

Santander presents Santander Skills Scholarships | Professional Development – ESADE, a new 8 week online program made specially to improve your job opportunities and key skills qualifications required by companies. ESADE will be ministering the program online as of January 2021. It will be addressing leadership, communication, emotional intelligence, personal productivity and negotiation through a …

“Estudiar En…” FIESA Virtual Panels

FIESA invites the whole undergrad and postgrad student community, professors and researchers as well to the “Estudiar En” FIESA Virtual Panels. An opportunity to learn about various academic destinations, exchange programs, scholarships and much more. Europe, Latin America, Asia and North America united in a virtual space. The panels will be held on the following …

IV SETEDI Instagram Post

PPGEL UEPG and Sorbonne Université promote International Colloquium about 100 years of Clarice Lispector

PPGEL UEPG and Sorbonne Université promote International Colloquium about 100 years of Clarice Lispector This year, the Thesis and Dissertation Seminar (SETEDI) will happen for the first time in an international format. The event, organized by UEPG’s Language Studies Post Graduation Program (PPGEL), promotes meetings between students and teachers from the field in order to …

Fiesa promotes webinar about “Curriculum Internationalization in Italy: Lessons from a success story”

Fiesa announces the event “La Internacionalización de la Curricula en Italia: lecciones de un caso de éxito” (Curriculum Internationalization in Italy: Lessons from a success story), featuring the participation of Giuseppe Canullo (Universitá Politecnica delle Marche). The event will be held on November 3rd, at 11 am UTC-3 (Argentina). You can accredit your participation through …

CLEC UEPG opens Proficiency Test’s 2nd Call

The CLEC UEPG released the 2nd call notice for the applications of the 2nd Edition of the Foreign Language Reading Proficiency Test – Spanish and English. The registration period runs from October 27th to November 3rd. The test will be held on November 22nd and the investment is R$ 100,00 (17.62 USD). Access link to …

International Administration Congress evaluates 2020 edition

The ADM 2020 – International Administration Congress – managing committee did a balance of this year’s event actions. For the first time in its history the congress was accomplished in an online format and counted with the participation of academics and professionals from eight countries. “We began to plan the event back in 2019, in …

TOEFL ITP proficiency test is being offered remotely and at a discount

The Educational Testing Service (ETS) launched one more edition of the TOEFL ITP – Remote exam, available in Brazil. The test will doable from your home by using a computer with internet access. Besides being able do the test without leaving your house, UEPG students will receive 30% discount. It’s required to be an UEPG …

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