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Concentration area: Journalistic Processes

The concentration area – structured on two research lines (LP1: News Production Processesand LP2: Journalistic Processes and Social Practices) –seeks to address both aspects regarding the Journalism epistemology, with theoretical and conceptual bases focusing the dynamics, productive routines, and mediatic production aspects, and the Journalism relationship with other knowledge fields, valuing the communication interfaces with social representations. Both research lines move towards the studies on the journalism internal and external dynamics, offering different perspectives, which complement each other, in the observation of journalistic (communicational) phenomena.


The Postgraduate Program (Master’s) in Journalism of the State University of Ponta Grossa (UEPG), concentration area: Journalistic Processes was recognized by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal the Nível Superior – CAPES [Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel] in 2012  (Proposal APCN 7334), and started its activities in the first half of 2013.

The Program approval resulted from the consolidation of the UEPG Journalism undergraduate course, which existed since 1985, and outstood in the communication area for their actions in the defense of quality higher education, the communication research developed by their team of professors, and active participation in the local community with outreach projects and activities supporting community and citizen media.

The Journalism Master’s Program, first in this area in the state of Paraná and second in Brazil, from the very beginning of their activities, acknowledged the challenge of integrating graduate and undergraduate programs, keeping research lines with expressive participation of scientific initiation students and voluntary researchers. Also, without neglecting the undergraduate course teaching trajectory, the program staff have promoted the integration between research and outreach activities, aiming to quality the reflection upon journalistic production experiences and insertion in the local community.


The Journalism Postgraduate Program believe in scientific dissemination actions and keeps three journals that are specialized in this area. The Revista Internacional de Folkcomunicação [Folkcommunication International Journal] (available at http://www.revistas.uepg.br/ ), edited at UEPG since 2004, is produced by the UEPG Journalism Master’s Program, in partnership with the Rede de Estudos e Pesquisa em Folkcomunicação [Study and Research on Folkcommunication Network] (Folkcom Network) and Cátedra UNESCO/UMESP of Communication. The journal is issued three times a year and is rated Qualis B-3. It is published in April, September, and December.

Another publication is the Revista Pauta Geral - Estudos em Jornalismo[General Agenda – Journalism Studies] http://www.revistas2.uepg.br/index.php/pauta ). This journal was created in 2014 to be published every six months. It aims to disseminate Journalism studies and research by publishing the results of concluded or ongoing investigations, seeking to strengthen the journalistic field at the graduate level in Brazil.

This program also participates in the editorial of the Revista Brasileira de História da Mídia [Media History Brazilian Journal] http://www.ojs.ufpi.br/index.php/rbhm/index ), whose main objective is to disseminate research focusing on the media and history relation to incentivize research on this knowledge area. This journal is a publication by the Associação Brasileira de Pesquisadores de História da Mídia [Brazilian Association of Media History Researchers]. It is published twice a year, and is rated Qualis B-2.

The Program also develops projects with the main scientific institutions in Brazil and has invested in partnerships with other teaching institutions in Brazil and abroad to strengthen the research developed by the groups.

UEPG and the region

The State University of Ponta Grossa celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2020. The institution is located in the center-south of the state and its area of influence comprises 22 municipalities.UEPG was created by the state of Paraná government through the Law n° 6.034, of 6th November 1969, and Decree n° 18.111, of 28th January 1970. It is one of the most important higher education institutions in Paraná. Currently, the university keeps 40 undergraduate courses in the most diverse knowledge areas, and 35 postgraduate programs, out of which 25 are at the Master’s level (22 academic and 3 professional programs) and 10 are PhD programs.

The Journalism Master’s Program reveals their importance in the institution environment and in the context of academic qualification in the area by considering a scientific development framework focusing on the following aspects:

a) higher education quality (undergraduate and graduate) at UEPG;

b) the demand for qualified professionals in communication in the state of Paraná (around 550 professionals a year);

c) out of the total number of professionals that graduate each year in Paraná, the Union of Professional Journalists in the state estimates that 450 get their degree in one of the 22 higher education institutions (HEI) that keep Journalism courses in Paraná;

d) the geographical location of the institution and the theme axis of the Communication Postgraduate Programs in the State (four programs in the following institutions: Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná [Tuiuti University of Paraná], concentration area:Communicational Processes; Universidade Estadual de Londrina [State University of Londrina], concentration area: Visual Communication; Universidade Federal do Paraná [Federal University of Paraná], concentration area: Communication and Society; and Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa [State University of Ponta Grossa], concentration area:Journalistic Processes).

By setting specific targets of qualification at the graduate level and valuing the development of researcher committed to the promotion of reflections that dialogue with Journalism, the Journalism Master’s Program has sought to develop actions favoring research in the area, through interchange with other institutions and partnerships with other programs whose interests are close to its action field.


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