
The firstly named Post-graduation Program in “Language, Identity, and Subjectivity” – currently Post-graduation Program in “Language Studies” – was homologated by the CNE, PORTARIA MEC 970, DIÁRIO DA UNIÃO DE 13/10/2009, PARECER CES CNE N° 253/2009 and started its activity in 2010. The program changing name request decision, approved in late 2016 by CAPES, was a group perception result regarding the “Master in Language, Identity, and Subjectivity” title could impair the graduates in case of a public service exam, once this is not exactly a language studies area. In this way, the program and the course has been named “Post-graduation Program in Language Studies”, with concentration area on “Language, Identity, and Subjectivity”, being more adequate to the work actually done in the program assuring a graduating clear indication to the Course graduates. The area is composed by two Research Lines: “Text, subjectivity, and theoretical horizons” and “Plurality, identity, and teaching”.

The “Language, identity, and subjectivity” concentration area definition evidence questions that in a variable way runs through all the master programs in Languages currently existent in the Paraná State, however the PPGEL differential is the area thematic approach, outlined by the offered subjects roster. The Program perspective comprehends the language through a social interaction bias. People are constituted in the and by the language. Such language is heterogeneous, plural, multifaceted, and thus constitutes people in such way. In this way, the developed studies within the PPGEL scope have contributed both to investigate the present subjectivity in the language use, and to observe how individuals reveal and negotiate their participations and belonging to specific social groups by the language use. Such is the PPGEL/UEPG specificity.

The course objective is promoting reflections about questions related to the language and the professors graduation area. With that, it is intended to graduate qualified personal to exercise the teaching and research activities in language studies and promote the knowledge production about the language and correlated areas. Also, is a course objective to promote a better approximation between the subjectivity and the issues related to the relationship between Idiom, Language, and Literature, considering the theoretical horizons in transversality with the text (understood in amplitude). Since the Program first years, we have been observing positive reflexes regarding the Languages Graduation Course strengthening (Spanish, French, and English) offered in the UEPG, as well as regarding the performance in other teaching levels of the professionals that graduates by the Post-graduation Program in Language Studies – UEPG.

The course is focused on graduate a professional who conceives the language as a studies and research productive locus, specially concerning the several language vertices teaching and the cultural, linguistic, and educational policies. He/she must be able to recognize the subjectivity present in the language, the language role in the individuals identity constitution and to know how to articulate language issues in order to comprehend and describe them in their several scopes, either social, cultural, ethic, or aesthetic and then, point out possible answers to the wishes from the academy and the society, in general. The Program has a graduates monitoring policy, either by monitoring the activities they state in their Curriculum Lattes, or by the contact kept by some of them with their former advisors, as coauthors in articles or texts for publication in periodicals or books, or as members of: a) research groups; b) research projects; c) extension projects; d) symposiums or GT´s in events such as the SETEDI.

The program presence in the UEPG enables that courses graduates get qualification and then, may meet the growing demand, for professionals capable on working well in the Basic Education and Higher Education, in the Language Studies area.

Our students come largely (around 90%) from languages degree courses, but due to the course thematic nature, which proposal is capable to meet multi and trans-disciplinary projects, we receive also students graduated in other courses, such as History, Journalism, Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy, Executive Secretarial, Architecture, and Phono-audiology. Many of our former graduated students in history, pedagogy, and journalism, in bachelor´s degree, by the way, lead themselves to teaching in the Higher Education and Basic Education.

As a way to monitoring the students works development, meeting the course completion deadlines, and assuring the developed research quality, we give special highlight to the creation of an ongoing dissertation monitoring seminary inside the program, in 2017, entitled SETEDI – SEMINÁRIO DE TESES E DISSERTAÇÕES EM ANDAMENTO. The I and II SETEDI Annals, containing the Expanded Abstracts publication of every work approved for presenting and publishing, are available in the Anais do SETEDI website, inscribed in the ISSN 2596-1616.

Specific objectives:

  • To graduate qualified personnel to exercise the teaching and research professional activities in Languages Studies.
  • To promote reflection about issues related to teaching and professor graduation for Languages and Literature.
  • To develop researches in the text studies, speech, Literature, and specific theoretical horizons area.
  • To develop researches in the several description levels involving corpus of spoken and/or written Portuguese, literary or not, articulating these data to community cultural and social plurality aspects.
  • To study the peripheral (or not) identities and their expressions in the Portuguese and foreigner languages literature.


Curricular structure:

Maximum length: 24 months (four semesters), including in such deadline, the Masters dissertation elaboration and defense. Concerning the Program´s structure, the student must achieve a total of 44 credits, among elective and mandatory subjects: ODT I and ODT II; EDM (Masters teaching probation); Programmed Activities (12 credits); and Masters Dissertation. The credits are distributed in the curriculum, as follows:


ELECTIVE SUBJECTS: 12 (twelve) credits

ODT I – 02 (two) credits

ODT II – 02 (two) credits

EDM – Masters teaching probation – 04 (four) credits

Masters Dissertation – 12 (twelve) credits

PROGRAMMED ACTIVITIES – 12 (twelve) credits

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